Digital advertising and PPC (Pay-Per-Click) campaigns can be a cost-effective and efficient method of advertising your dental practice, staying at the forefront of your prospects’ minds in a competitive landscape, and acquiring new leads for sustainable growth and success. 

At Firm Media, our certified digital advertising specialists are highly experienced in building and deploying powerful PPC campaigns for dental practices that result in an increased number of site visitors and conversions. 

We often utilize search engine marketing in conjunction with other strategies, such as search engine optimization, to deliver a cohesive marketing campaign that can meet your unique business needs and helps you achieve your goals.


It is calculated that businesses make an average of $2 in revenue for every $1 they spend on digital advertisement campaigns.

Digital Advertising Role Explained

Immediate Return on Investment

When you invest in search engine marketing with Firm Media, this guarantees that your dental practice will appear at the right time in the right place and to the right audience. Digital advertising works by targeting an audience at the right stage in their patient journey, which can result in a potential immediate return on investment.

Results are Easy to Measure and Track

Our team utilizes strategies like implementing Google Analytics to measure essential KPI’s, paired with a comprehensive call tracking strategy. This helps paint a picture of both campaign performance and lead quality. Using this formula, we are able to track and analyze every part of your campaign, including the most important KPI: cost per conversion.

Reach More People Outside Your Audience

Even if your business does not have a large audience, digital advertising expands your brand’s reach to build awareness among audiences specifically searching for your services. We can guarantee your dental practice will gain valuable exposure through targeted campaigns in order to remain competitive.

Digital Advertising Synergies

Digital advertising improves visibility and drives site traffic to amplify other marketing tactics, such as SEO, social media, and website design.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

While both SEO and PPC seek to achieve the same goal, they go about it in different ways. However, when used cohesively, we can create integrated SEO and digital advertising campaigns that amplify their individual efforts for substantial digital growth and success.

Social Media

Building a strong and credible presence on social media helps build qualified audiences for search engine marketing. Once you build a substantial qualified audience, you can take advantage of better conversion rates, lower cost-per-acquisition (CPA), and a higher ROI. 

Furthermore, utilizing social media as a part of your overall digital marketing strategy helps to “warm up” your target audience with impressions and awareness, which prepares audiences for digital advertising.

Website Design & Media

It’s no surprise that great website designs convert better than mediocre ones. When driving traffic and qualified leads to your dental practice website, it is important to provide engaging landing pages with both beautiful media and valuable content, which will deliver a higher return on investment. A successful landing page strategy includes qualities like being easy to navigate with a clear call to action present throughout the page.

Experience the Firm Media Difference


Our team is committed to providing a high level of transparency throughout your marketing campaign. We schedule regular video conferences to go over campaign performance, particularly cost-per-acquisition, and continuously provide easy-to-understand reports to ensure you stay updated on your digital advertising progress.

Return on Investment

At Firm Media, our search engine marketing specialists are experts at deploying results-driven PPC advertising campaigns for dental practices. We have a longstanding history of getting the desired return on investment for our dental clients, whether it’s for veneers, dental implants, or All-on-4®.

Let’s Chat, We’ll Demystify Search Engine Marketing for You

Search engine marketing can be a powerful piece of your overall marketing strategy. If you are ready to increase brand visibility and drive qualified leads directly to your site, get in touch with our team to schedule a consultation today.

By Anthony Albiero
Anthony came to Firm Media in 2017 and started as an Account Executive. Through his willingness, perseverance, and thirst for knowledge, Anthony has since been elevated to Digital Advertising Manager, where he is certified by Google and consistently delivers strong results in our clients' digital advertising campaigns.

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