Social Media Management
For Medical Practices

Social media platforms are a powerful advertising tool and offer a unique approach for connecting directly with patients.

This is especially true for medical practices, as social media provides an opportunity to humanize your brand, appeal to the desires of a potential patient, and drive traffic to your website and through your office’s doors. The team at Firm Media is passionate about helping medical practices harness the power of social media, incorporating this key component into our digital marketing strategies.

Did You Know?…

Over 80% of adults (age 18 to 49) report using social media daily

We Broadcast Your Voice On The Social Platforms Your Audience Uses

Social media allows you to meet your patients where they are online. Currently, between Facebook and Instagram, there are close to four billion active monthly users—and study after study shows that people take to these platforms to research businesses they are interested in using, vetting them online first before making a buying decision. Therefore, when you are active and posting content that reflects your brand, values, and what drives your practice, you can build long-term connections with the people you serve.

Don’t think Social Ads work? Check out the stats from one of our more recent campaigns

  • 1,989 clicks
  • 48,100 reach
  • 126,011 impressions
  • $0.50 CPC
  • 526 conversions
  • $1,000 spend
  • 123% increase in Facebook page views
  • 127% increase in Facebook Page Likes
  • 136% increase in Facebook Post Reach

While being active on social media is a great first step for your practice, running paid social campaigns expands your audience reach by deploying advertisements that are targeted to specific patient demographics, including income level, age, education, geography, and more.

Social Increases Your Brand Awareness

If you just opened a medical practice or are just learning about the benefits of social media, it is likely that you are overwhelmed with running the business and helping patients—not to mention contemplating how to attract new patients. This is where Firm Media can assist! No matter if you do not understand how social media works, you are lacking time, or do not have platforms set up, we can take the guesswork out of this—and handle all social media marketing from the grassroots.

What We Do

High-quality social media management is about much more than simply posting a status update or sharing a blog—and when you partner with Firm Media, we guarantee your social strategy is aligned with your digital marketing campaign. We dedicate hours to research, track metrics, engage with users, and seek to maximize the number of people who engage with your platforms—all with the goal of boosting the number of patients who walk through your doors.

Community Management

We will certify that social media users who engage with your page receive the answers and communication they are looking for. Through consultation with you or simply by responding to a user’s comment, we will guarantee that prospective patients know that a real person is there and ready to provide answers.

The Benefits Of Social Media

As a busy medical practitioner, you likely realize that social media has many benefits; however, you may feel overwhelmed on how to get started, what to post, or simply feel like you do not have time. We understand this! Firm Media can help you harness the power of social media and realize the immense benefit, including:

Meet Your Team At Firm Media

Here at Firm Media, collaboration is embedded in our culture, and our social media pros are meaningful members of our team—and your digital marketing strategy. When you partner with us, your social media campaign will be planned cross-functionally and blended with digital advertising, search engine marketing, reputation management, media development, and more. And this team-focused approach seeks to benefit your practice. You will feel confident that we will truly represent the voice of your medical practice online, validating your knowledge and helping you attain professional success.