Esprit Cosmetic Surgeons has been partnered with Firm Media since 2016. Throughout our relationship, we have always run aggressive Google Ads campaigns, but when COVID-19 struck the world last year, we saw that we had a unique opportunity to push their campaigns even further.
When COVID-19 struck, we immediately implemented a Virtual Consultation form on their website, allowing patients to communicate with the doctors from home. Once that was implemented, we strategically increased ad spend by 12% and targeted a larger location radius with more efficient keywords.
As a direct result of our efforts, Esprit Cosmetic Surgeons accumulated 53% MORE conversions in 2020 compared to the previous year. Anytime a digital advertising campaign budget is increased (and if it is not being proactively managed), you face the risk of a rising cost per conversion. Through effective keyword bids and negative keyword additions, we saw a 25% decrease in cost per conversion and a 75% increase in conversion rate.
Firm Media was able to create more opportunities for new patient connections while maximizing our potential with minimal budget increases. By the end of 2020, the conversion rate increased from 4.02% to 7.03%.
The lesson to learn here: never fold your ad spend in the face of uncertainty. Test it out, be on the lookout for opportunities to raise your budget to get the most out of your advertising dollars. Make yourself aware of a campaign that just is not working, and try something new.

Cost Per Conversion: