Plastic Surgery Marketing Agency

We Are Plastic Surgery Marketing Experts

At Firm Media, we specialize in providing comprehensive marketing solutions tailored specifically for plastic surgery practices. With a deep understanding of the plastic surgery industry, our team of experts offer a range of services designed to enhance your online presence and attract more patients to your practice.

We Are an Extension Of Your Plastic Surgery Practice

At Firm Media, we go beyond being a marketing agency; we become a seamless extension of your plastic surgery practice. We work diligently to meet your timelines and exceed your expectations, so you can focus on providing exceptional care to your patients.

We Build Award-Winning Websites

Our portfolio showcases the stunning and user-friendly websites we’ve created for plastic surgery practices like yours.

Our Marketing Campaigns Increase Your Patient Base

As credentialed experts who specialize in plastic surgery marketing, we are dedicated to helping you thrive in your local market. Our tailored strategies are crafted to expand your reach and solidify your presence, ensuring tangible results through targeted campaigns. The map is an example of what we did for one of our plastic surgery clients on the very southern side of Dallas. In 3 months’ time, we drastically improved his local SEO keyword rankings for his top plastic surgery procedures.

Take The First Step Towards Success Today.

Our Marketing Campaigns Attract More Patients To You

Explore our case studies to see how our marketing campaigns have helped plastic surgery practices increase their patient base. From improving search engine rankings to boosting social media engagement, our strategies are proven to deliver results.

Specialized Services for Plastic Surgery Marketing:


We recognize the significance of promoting core procedures like breast augmentation, rhinoplasty, facelifts, and liposuction. Additionally, we understand the importance of highlighting non-surgical cosmetic treatments, which have become increasingly popular.

Digital Ads

Digital Advertising (PPC) supplements organic SEO rankings to dominate space at the top of search results. Combined, these services capture the lion’s share of Google leads for your practice for maximum exposure and lead potential.

Social Media Management

Maintaining a healthy and active social media presence projects leadership in your market and makes patients feel more at ease by seeing your personalized approach to care.

Social Ads

Sometimes it’s worth supplementing PPC with social ads to get an even higher market share by targeting users based on interests, demographics, and behavior.

Reputation Management

Your online reputation plays a central role in your prospect’s decision-making. We can help you mitigate bad reviews and generate more good ones on online review platforms such as Yelp and Google Reviews.

Photography & Video

Studies show that 70% of consumers feel that video explains a product or service better than text alone. Video immediately makes your practice more friendly and approachable, so you turn more prospects into patients.

Dr. Mark Schoemann

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Experience The Firm Media Difference


We don’t simply focus on your hometown(s). Our marketing efforts are designed to methodically expand your marketing presence to adjacent cities, even if you don’t have an office there.


With quarterly joint strategy reviews, we ensure you have full visibility into the strategies and tactics we implement for your practice. We believe in open communication and accountability at every step of the process.


During quarterly joint strategy reviews, we collaborate closely with your team. Your input and feedback are integral to our process, ensuring that we can create campaigns that get the results you’re looking for.

Let’s Chat, We’ll Demystify Plastic Surgery
Marketing For You

Our Team is here to simplify the complexities of plastic surgery marketing. Schedule a consultation today to discover how we can help your practice thrive in the digital landscape.