With the rise of Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and other social media platforms, it has never been more important for brands to leverage social media marketing for growth and achieving their business goals. 

Social media marketing for dental practices offers a unique opportunity to humanize your brand, increase visibility, cultivate an engaged audience, connect with prospects, and drive offline conversions that result in new patients walking through your office doors. 


With an estimated 3.96 billion total social media users across all platforms, it’s likely that your target market is on social media. How are you effectively connecting with them? 

Social Media’s Business Role Explained

Third Touchpoint

Touchpoints in marketing are simply a point of contact between your brand and your audience. Implementing a “multi-touch” marketing strategy is crucial for bringing your brand to life, engaging with your audience, and building meaningful relationships with your new and existing patients. 

In many cases, social media is the “third touchpoint” after your website and review sites such as Google or Yelp. Unlike your website and Google reviews, however, social media is often one of the easiest touchpoints between you and your audience. 

Most social platforms offer a direct line of communication and engagement through comments, likes, swipe ups, direct messaging, and more – all of which provide the opportunity for positive and quality interactions with your target audience. 

Projecting Leadership in Your Area

Through effective, educational, and engaging social media marketing, you can position your practice as an authority in your area. When individuals view your brand as an authority within the dental industry, you become a credible source of valuable information and position yourself as an expert. 

Furthermore, this helps build a level of trust and respect within your industry and your community, which will translate into new patients coming to your practice for quality dental services. 

Leverage Your Media 

We believe that existing media, such as video or photography content, shouldn’t just take up residence on your website. 

Instead, we ensure your marketing dollars go further by utilizing your existing content to build a powerful social media marketing strategy that increases visibility, amplifies your reach, and drives valuable traffic to your website. 

Dynamic Ad Spending

The team at Firm Media implements a powerful approach called dynamic ad spending, which means we shift your social media advertising strategy and spending based on where visitors are in your marketing funnel. 

For instance, if your goal is to build brand awareness and introduce new people to your business, advertising can be extremely cost-effective. If you’re targeting individuals who are at the bottom of your marketing funnel and your goal is to acquire conversions, spending more on social media advertising will get you immediate results. 

Mythbusting: Social Media is a Marketing Black Hole

Social media marketing is only a black hole for agencies who are simply interested in taking your money with no real effort into getting you tangible results. 

At Firm Media, we strive to offer full transparency with our campaigns and meet regularly to share updates, progress, and improvement opportunities with you. Furthermore, we use social media as one part of a holistic marketing strategy that’s custom-tailored to help your business grow and thrive. 

Social Media Synergies

Social media connects all the dots in an integrated marketing plan. This has the unparalleled potential to ignite a campaign and amplify every other piece of the strategy, significantly improving your overall return on investment. 

SEO Benefit

Google uses over 200 ranking factors in its algorithm, including social media. If you have a strong social media account with a large following and good engagement, this signals to Google that you are legitimate and an authority figure in your industry. 

In response, Google—and other search engines, such as Bing—will give more weight to your brand’s site in search results compared to others with little or no presence on social media. 

PPC Benefit

Social media marketing plays a major role in building engaged audiences, which is crucial for effective advertising. Building a better, more engaged audience means you take advantage of higher conversion rates, lower cost-per-action (CPA), and an improved return on investment. 

Reputation Management Benefit

We help you consistently show up, provide value, and humanize your brand on social media by sharing office shots, the friendly faces of your staff, before and after photos, and behind-the-scenes looks into everyday office activities. 

This ensures your brand builds a positive reputation online and offline, and prepares patients for their first engagement, leading to improved patient experiences, better reviews, and a more impressive presentation when stacked up against competitors. 

Experience the Firm Media Difference


Firm Media strives for full transparency. When it comes to social media marketing for dental practices, we always create the next month’s schedule of posts ahead of time, so you have an opportunity to approve or request content changes. This ensures there are no surprises. 

Furthermore, throughout your digital marketing campaign, we keep you updated by scheduling regular video conferences to review campaign performance. 

Return on Investment

Our custom social media marketing strategies use industry-leading techniques and tactics that address your unique needs, help you achieve your business goals, and deliver ROI. 

Ease of Use

We understand that you don’t have a lot of time on your hands to create content for social media. This is why we make it easy by taking the content you give us and transforming it into a full-fledged social media marketing strategy that gets you results. 

Let’s Chat, We’ll Demystify Social Media Marketing for You

If you are ready to harness the power of social media marketing for your dental practice, reach out to the experienced team at Firm Media. We have all hands on deck and are here to help your business grow and thrive through a custom social media marketing strategy. Contact us today. 

By Malia Rowland
Malia manages the account executive department and takes pride in understanding each client’s individual needs while working cross-functionally with Firm Media’s marketing and product teams to develop a personalized campaign strategy.

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